This page contains the link to the Montecarlo data generated with genieHad and processed with geant4. Links to the software necessary to run the simulations are included as well.
GenieHad, slic, jas3 and other software tools are available at the following link:
All software related to lcsim is available at:
Generated events
The events generated with GenieHad are available, in hepevt format, at:
The same events, in stdhep format, are available at:
The filename is indicative of the parameters used in the generation. The format is:
For example, the file: redtop.1800mev.v41.etagammamumu.10001.hepevt corresponds to:
- beam energy = 1800 MeV
- detector version = 4.1
- process: eta-> gamma mu+ mu-
- run number= 10001
The following table connects the filename to the GenieHad generator list used. Refer to GenieHad User’s Guide for more details on the generation procedure. The table is updated while more events are processed.
filename GenieHad generator list process Scattering model
- eta3pi REDTOP_URQMD_ETA3PI p + nucleus → η X wit η → π+π–πo Urqmd.
- etaincl REDTOP_URQMD_ETA p + nucleus → η X Urqmd
- cve REDTOP_URQM_CVE p + nucleus → η X with η → πo e+ e– Urqmd
- cvm REDTOP_URQM_CVM p + nucleus → η X with η → πo μ+ μ– Urqmd
- hphch REDTOP_URQM_HPHch p + nucleus → η X with η → γ A’ → γ + e+e– Urqmd.
- hphne REDTOP_URQM_HPHne p + nucleus → η X with η → γ A’ → γ + γ + γ Urqmd
- x17 REDTOP_URQM_X17 p + nucleus → η X with η → γX(17) → γ + e+e– Urqmd
- etagammaee REDTOP_URQM_ETAGAMMAEE p + nucleus → η X with η → γ + e+e– Urqmd
- etagammamumu REDTOP_URQM_ETAGAMMAMUMU p + nucleus → η X with η → γ + μ+ μ– Urqmd.
- pi0hmumu REDTOP_URQMD_ETA2PI0H_MUMU p + nucleus → η X with η → πo +H → πoμ+ μ Urqmd
- pi0hee URQM_ETA2PI0H_EE p + nucleus → η X with η → πo +H → πoe+ e– Urqmd
- urqmd REDTOP_URQMD p + nucleus → X Urqmd
- inclxx REDTOP_INCLXX p + nucleus → X Incl++
Geant4 processed events
Most of the events generated with GenieHad have also been processed trough Geant4 using the slic framework. The data are available, in slcio format, at the following links:
Signal events:
Single particle and calibration events:
Background events:
Use jas3 to visualize the data and lcsim for the reconstruction/analysis.