The slic-REDTOP simulation framework

Slic  is an interface between Geant4 and the geometry of your detector. It was developed at SLAC for the ILC and HPS projects. Please refer to the documentation on the official slic web site for any further insight on the program. A slightly modified version of slic has been developed for REDTOP since the original version does not support the optical physics which is necessary, instead, for the simulations of the Optical  TPC. Therefore, the installation of  slic-REDTOP requires two steps:

  1. First, install the original slic, including all the dependencies;
  2. Then, download and consequent re-compile the slic-REDTOP source code.



The installation of the original slic requires the ilcinstall tool which is based on python scripts. Therefore, you need a working installation of Python.


slic installation

The step-by-step installation of the original slic framework is described in details at this link. The ilcinstall tool will install the slic package along with the entire set of dependent packages. More general information is found on the FAQ page at SLAC. Slic-REDTOP is compatible with the tag v01-17-05. Therefore, the command to issue to get the correct ilcinstall package is:

svn co ilcinstall

Build the entire package before going to the next step and make sure that everything works correctly.


slic-REDTOP installation

  • Download the tarball with the source code and the geometry of REDTOP detector from the ftp repository. The tarball is updated regularly. However, if you want to be sure to have the latest code, please obtain the following fpur folders from REDTOP’s git trepository by issuing the following commands:
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://

  • Unzip the tarball and overvrite the directories in your installation of (the original) slic;
  • Rebuild slic.


Alternative slic-REDTOP installation

An alternative way (but nor recommended)  to build slic-REDTOP is by downloading the entire framework from Redmine git repository. The commands to clone the repository are:

git clone ssh://

To install some dependencies, use the commands below:

git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://


Installation of geant4 

In order to run correctly the slic framework, you also need to download and install Geant4 v9.6 from CERN’s official site (slic is not yet compatible with v10 of Geant4). please refer to the documentation therein for building Geant4.


Building slic-REDTOP on Windows 7 computers

The distribution of slic and its dependencies on REDTOP’s git repository are compatible with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. If you have that installed on your Windows computer, you can use the included solutions to compile, link and run slic-REDTOP on a Windows 7 computer. However, at present, the Windows 7 installation is nor supported and you have to solve eventual problems yourself. See, also, the next paragraph if you intend to run slic on windows computers without compiling the source code.


slic binaries for Windows 7

slic-REDTOP is available as a setup file  for Windows 7 computers. This alternative is convenient if you want to run the full framework without the hassle of building the source code. Please, refer to the following link for the instructions on how to obtain the setup file and install it on your computer .