General information
The command line specified in the batch file used to launch GenieHad contains all the information necessary to configure the experiment. The options are selected trough switches used as arguments in the command. A detailed description of those switches is found here.
Command line examples
Basic running
The simplest way to run GenieHad is by instructing the main program to use a Physics Generator and a .gdml file for the detector.
-r 1001 -n 10 -b 2212 -k 2.94652s -z 0.0,0.0,-40.0 -f {x*x+4*exp(-x)} -g C://slic_3_1_6-VC10//redtop//redtop.gdml -t world_volume -L cm -D g_cm3 --event-generator-list REDTOP_INCLXX
Physics Processes
Several physics processes have been implemented in GenieHad specifically for REDTOP simulations. They are selected using the command line switch: –event-generator-list. We list below the values of the switch currently available.
Exclusive η processes via nuclear models
- REDTOP_URQMD_ETA3PI p + nucleus → η X with η → π+π–πo using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQMD_ETA2GAMMAGAMMA p + nucleus → η X with η → γ γ using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQMD_CPV p + nucleus → η X with η → πoπo using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_HSD_CPV p + nucleus → η X with η → πoπo using the PHSD model.
- REDTOP_GIBUU_CPV p + nucleus → η X with η → πoπo (experimental) using the Gibuu model
- REDTOP_URQM_CPV4p0 p + nucleus → η X with η → πoπo πoπo using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQM_CVE p + nucleus → η X with η → πo e+ e– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQM_CVM p + nucleus → η X with η → πo μ+ μ– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQM_HPHch p + nucleus → η X with η → γ A’ → γ + e+e– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQM_LFV p + nucleus → η X with η → μ+ e– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_HSD_LFV p + nucleus → η X with η → μ+ e– using the PHSD model.
- REDTOP_URQM_X17 p + nucleus → η X with η → γX(17) → γ + e+e– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_GIBUU_LFV p + nucleus → η X with η → μ+ e– (experimental) using the Gibuu model
- REDTOP_URQM_TRUEM p + nucleus → η X with η → γ(μ+ μ–)(110) → γ + e+e– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQM_ETAGAMMAEE p + nucleus → η X with η → γ + e+e– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQM_ETAGAMMAMUMU p + nucleus → η X with η → γ + μ+ μ– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQMD_ETA2PI0H_MUMU p + nucleus → η X with η → πo +H → πoμ+ μ– using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_URQM_ETA2PI0H_EE p + nucleus → η X with η → πo +H → πoe+ e– using the Urqmd model.
Exclusive η processes via LUT
- REDTOP_ETA p + nucleus → η X with η not being decayed.
- REDTOP_ETA_CPV p + nucleus → η X with η → πoπo X.
- REDTOP_ETA_HPHch p + nucleus → η X with η → γ A’ → γ + l+l– .
- REDTOP_ETA_LFV p + nucleus → η X with η → μ+ e– .
Inclusive inelastic processes via nuclear models
- REDTOP_URQMD p + nucleus → X using the Urqmd model.
- REDTOP_HSD p + nucleus → X using the PHSD model.
- REDTOP_GIBUU p + nucleus → X using the Gibuu model (experimental).
- REDTOP_INCLXX p + nucleus → X using the Incl++ model.
- REDTOP_ELECTROMAGNETIC EM p + atom interactions using Geant4.10 EM models
Running errors
If you get the following error message :
** Mismatch between pre-calculated and current interaction probabilities!
it means that we are running GenieHad with the “-P” switch on (read the exact interaction probabilities from a pre-calculated file specified
via this option)) but you are providing a wrong file (like if you have produced the file with a certain beam and detector configuration but you are trying to use it with a different configuration). Make sure you are pointing to the correct file or produce a new one with the “-S” switch.